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Wood Fence and Round Pen

Horse Rail Conductive & Non-Conductive Rail

Hot Cote Electrifiable Coated Wire, Horse Rail and Hi-Tensile


Wood Fencing









Wood Fencing is a long-standing tradition for building quality horse fencing.  It is known for its sturdiness and for its authentic appearance.


Round Pen









Round Pens are widely used for training & exercising in the horse industry and are quickly becoming a must-have equine product.  Using wood fencing for your round pen is a sturdy, low maintenance choice.


Staining and painting is available for all E & A Fences.


HOTCOTE - Electrifiable Coated Wire









Hotcote uses high tensile wire, coated in a highly conductive carbon compound which can deliver electric shock.  It can be used as your entire fence or in conjuction with Horsecote and/or Horserail creating the exact look you desire.


A.   HighTensile Wire

B.   Long-life UV Stabilized Non-Conductive Medium

       Density Polyethylene

C.   Highly Conductive Carbon Compound

Horse Rail - Conductive & Non-Conductive Rail
















The flexibility, smoothness and strength of this rail not only protects the horse and ride from injuries caused by conventional railing, it also provides for a long lasting, attractive fence that requires little maintenance.   Horserail is designed to be easily installed using a patented procedure for attaching,joining and tensioning.  There is no stripping, crimping or notching needed and the end result is a properly installed fence with no exposted wires.


Non conductive rail is available in 4" - 6" sizes.


Colors available in Brown, Black and White.


Horserail - Non-Conductive Rail

A.  High Tensile Wire

B.  Molecularly Bonded to the Wire

C.  Long-life UV Stabilized Non-Conductive Medium

      Density Polyethylene

HOTOP Electrifiable Rail

A.  High Tensile Wire

B.  Molecularly Bonded to the wire

C.  Highly Conductive Carbon Compound

D.  Long-life UV Stablized Non-conductive Medium Density Polyethylene

Fence Built Your Way!

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